I love south Patagonia

Sometimes what we see is so breathtaking and our travel experiences are so overwhelming that it’s not enough to remember them alone: we need to share  with the world. This is the view of a traveler, an adventurer, a woman…
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Money and glamour in Patagonia

In the last few decades,  Argentine Patagonia has experienced an unprecedented real estate boom. Many rich personalities have acquired huge estancias, great mansions and built unbelievable houses. Villa La Angostura is one of these sought after places by magnates, artists, politicians…
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Driving across Patagonia

Traveling in your own car in Patagonia is a challenge many times. Roads and paths are not always well kept or there is no pavement, not to mention the solitude that characterizes the argentine south. Our collaborator Mariano Fernandez Soler…
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Patagonia, an introduction

The Argentine Patagonia is located in the south of the American continent. It extends from the Colorado River to Tierra del Fuego. Its topography can be compared to gigantic stairs with the highest step being the Andean Range, then descending…
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La Trochita - Tren a vapor en la Patagonia Argentina

Trains in Patagonia: the facts

Traveling by Train is romantic. It makes us imagine that we are time travelers. To enter that world of rolling wagons, dampened noises and smooth wobble is an unforgettable experience. If we add the fact that through the windows the…
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Travelling with pets

How to travel with your pet without dying during the attempt? Those of us who have a pet know that at the time of traveling, always the same problem arises: who will take care of our beloved creature during our…
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Rivers of Blood

Ever since humans became sedentary, the land and the water have been the main causes of conflict. The bloodiest wars have been fought over a bigger or smaller share of land. Life and Water seem to pair up as synonyms…
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Patagonian Wine

Traditionally two regions of Argentina were characterized by the production of wines: Mendoza and Salta. But since not long ago wines from Patagonia have taken off and there are several wineries that have established in this region of southern Argentina.…
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Patagonia’s Lighthouses

Lighthouses are an emblem of sailors and Patagonia, discovered, respected and even feared by seamen, conserves many of these artifacts. The word lighthouse ("faro" in Spanish) comes from Pharos, the name of an island located in front of Alexandria's port…
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What is Patagonia?

Maybe that fantastic land populated by strange animals and plants; of giants dressed in coats made of skins sewed together; the mysterious latitude as described by Antonio Pigafetta, chronicler of Ferdinand Magellan’s expedition? In these articles we’ll help you understand…
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Estancia Harberton

The visit to Estancia Harberton is of great historical value. Estancia Harberton was founded in 1886 by the Anglican missionary Thomas Bridges. It is located 85 km. Ushuaia, eastbound. It is accessible by land through National Route N º 3…
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Fuegian Estancias

The estancias in the northern area of Tierra del Fuego are a clear exponent of the economic development of the region and its historical evolution. The most widely known is "María Behety", 18 km. from Río Grande by a gravel road. It…
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The Cold Region Wines

In this article by Jorge Impellizzeri you'll learn about the best wine production areas in Patagonia and the special characteristics of their wines due to the particular climate of the region. As you get familiar with the names of many…
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More About Argentine Patagonia

Some general information on the Patagonia region Patagonia is huge and comprises five provinces: Río Negro, Neuquén, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego. It occupies an area of ​​880,000 km ², one third of the total extension of ​​Argentina,…
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The Whirlwind

The four elements of life are vital to understand the Mapuche viewpoint. The air symbolizes the force that pushes existence, although there are good winds and bad ones. Here you will find a particular character of their mythology. Meulén in…
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This is a train hold up!

The Old Patagonian Express Railway adds yet another attraction to its tourist circuit. On one hot January afternoon, the passengers who had boarded the train looked out their windows and saw a group of men on horseback, with their faces masked…
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Estancias at Andean Patagonia

La Maipú Location Services Season On the south bank of Lake San Martín, 220 Km. from El Chaltén TE:(02966)422613 Lodging: breakfast included. Gastronomy: Home made meals- typical Patagonian dishes and crossed spits-, Argentinean wines, sweet delicacies, cakes and different kinds…
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Nibepo Aike Estancia

Nibepo Aike is a historical place, founded at the beginning of the 20 th century, situated in an unbeatable spot, on the margins of Lake Argentino. It is a full day excursion, covering the roads of the steppe, with a view…
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Cristina Estancia

To visit Estancia Cristina, in the heart of the Glaciers National Park, is a genuine Patagonia experience. It is also the only chance to observe the giant Upsala Glacier. The Upsala Glacier forms a tongue of ice that is 50…
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Patagonian Landscapes

A photographic exhibition of the End of the World     A unique, surprising and accurate view. Photographers Alberto Cortés and Eduardo Frías, both from the city of Viedma, Province of Río Negro, open this exhibition as a first step…
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Far West Bandits

The story of Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid in Patagonia could well have been taken out from a Hollywood Western production of the 50’s. However, it was not, though much talk was made about the adventures of these two legendary…
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The Nahuelito Enigma

Reality or fiction? A reliable observation or a clever joke? Once again, we are faced with the dilemma of taking sides in a matter that, historically, has generated controversy. Does the aquatic creature known as Nahuelito exist in the Nahuel…
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La Trochita at Esquel - Foto: Libros de viaje

Steam treasure

Patagonia is always seducing, with its large extensions, its magical scenery of plateaus, sea, mountains, lakes and rivers. But also with its affectionate people and with a few non-natural attractions, as is the case of the Old Patagonian Express, better…
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