Puerto San Julián

What to see in Port San Julián

The townThe axis to tour this city is made up by the Avenida de Acceso (Access Ave.) that goes through the traffic circle of route no. 3 to the jetty, from there on, towards both sides and in the shape of a T. The Nao Victoria replica is located in the intersection of these two avenues and this visit is a must.

Another must is the “Centro Artesanal” (Craft Center) in Moreno and Mitre St. where thread and yarn knit works, wood carvings and specially high-quality pottery are sold. The seal “Cerámica de San Julián – Kapolk Chen” (literally, Pottery from San Julián – Kapolk Chen) guarantees you it is an original piece.

The townThe Museo Regional y Arte Marino (Regional Museum and Marine Art) is very important as well (Vieytes and Rivadavia st.). It functions in an English-style house that was built in 1925. Here you will be able to see archaeological, paleontologic and zoological pieces as well as paintings and sculptures by local artists with two exhibition rooms: “El Cuarto de la Abuela” (Grandma’s room) with objects from those times and “Sala de Arte” (Art Room) with works by famous local artists.