Patagonian Cuisine

Andean cheese Fondue

An exquisite recipe to share. There is no better excuse to bring together dear beings than a casserole with delicious warm cheese and details of flavor.

Ingredients for 4 persons

Gruyere cheese 400 grs.
Country cheese 200 grs.
Smoky cheese 200 grs.
White wine select 200 cc.
Garlic 1 clove

  • Smoky Masala

Kirch 1 cup


Rub a copper pan with the garlic tooth. Rasp the cheeses and put on the pot to slow flame. And little by little the white select wine until it is all melted. Mix continuosly in the form of an eight with a wooden spoon. Finally put a pinch of smoked masala. Take to the table in the fondue pot with a burner so that the cheese doesn´t get hard. This fondue can be accompanied with smoked pork filets, pork of the mountain loins, piece of fried homespun bread, cherries, apples (cut in cubes), little bittersweet corns, cut celery, smoked sausage and everything your imagination permits.

  • The fumed Masala is an elaborate seasoning in base to piquant spices mixture and fumed with cypress. It contains chili, white, green, black and cayenne pepper, and yellow and brown mustard.

(La cocina del Fin del Mundo: Fernández, Jesús; Virreynato Libros, Noviembre 2002)