
Andean Ride

Andean Journey is an organized tour you can hire from Salta, although most of it takes place in Jujuy. If you wish to make it on your own, you should know that an overnight stay in Cafayate or some intermediate point of the circuit is needed.

Ruins of Tastil - Salta

Day 1:

Leaving at 7:00 am., it heads to San Antonio de los Cobres following the parallel route to the Train to the Clouds. In Santa Rosa de Tastil, city previous to the Incas period, you’ll make an archaeological tour discovering the impressive ruins of one of the greatest urban centres from the XIII century, currently abandoned to the hallucinating desert of the Puna. Soon, zigzagging between the sky and the plateau, San Antonio de los Cobres will be reached. There, you will have some time for a lunch consisting of regional food.

Salinas Grandes (Great Salt mines) - JujuyDuring the evening the trip continues towards Purmamarca, in Jujuy.  In the way the impressive Salinas Grandes (Great Salt mines), white extensions under the vibrant sun, can be appreciated.

After crossing the immense and steep hill of Lipán, you will be surprised by the view of the Hill of the Seven Colours, one of the typical beauties of this place. Finally the trip continues until getting to Tilcara, where you will spend the night.

Day 2:

Church of Uquía - JujuyThe next day the route continues going to Uquía, where you will be able to admire the typical church, and afterwards to Humahuaca in order to visit the Monument of Independence and the traditional Church as well.

The trip continues towards Iruya. It is a small town that seems to be hanging from the mountains. In this incredible place with little stone paved streets, you will have some spare time for lunch, before returning to Salta during the afternoon.

A street of Humahuaca - JujuyWhen passing by San Salvador de Jujuy, there will be a stop in order to see the historical core of the city.

You will spend the night in Salta.


It is necessary to consider that the routes of these provinces are not always passable, either because of the summer rains (January, February) or the ice in winter (July, August).  The circuit might undergo non scheduled modifications due to these reasons.

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