
What to eat in Mendoza?

Although everyone knows what to drink in Mendoza, not everyone knows what to eat! Here we have the regional delicacies that can accompany the excellent wines from Mendoza.

Lunch at Cavas de Cano - Mendoza

Mendoza’s cuisine is very diverse, but be it Creole or with the seal of its Italian and Spanish immigrants, what characterizes it is the excellent quality of the raw material used.

Mendoza’s products such as vines, olive and fruit trees along with goat meat, lamb and beef, and farmed salmon converge into a distinctive culinary identity.

What you can’t afford not to try is:

Goat on a spit accompanied by a Malbec, better if it belongs to a familiar or small winery. As a garnish, if you can get it ask for a Tomaticón, a preparation of farm tomatoes, green onions and egg.

Tasting of Mendoza's olivesPrior to the asado, an inevitable tasting of chopped Mendoza olives in its various forms: whole, pitted, seasoned, stuffed with peppers, almonds and blue cheese, or the more rare but exquisite olives “sajadas”.

Mendoza’s empanadas, filled with meat but, unlike their sisters in other provinces, without raisins and with olives.

In the afternoon, to pair the mate, tea or coffee, Mendoza pancakes. They come in three versions: scraped, punctured and leaved. More typical, impossible!

And finally, some of the delicious preserves, jams and preparations made ​​with the delicious Mediterranean fruits grown on local farms: grapes, peaches, pears, apples, melons, alcayota.

The greatest concentration of restaurants and places to eat is in the avenues Aristides Villanueva, Colon and San Martin as well as in the farms area of Coria.

And remember, there’s always one Mendoza wine for each dish. It is the “capital of the marriage” par excellence. Not in vain it is the “land of sun and good wine”!

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