Negro River's Upper Valley

Cinco Saltos

This town, with 18,000 inhabitants, is 16 km away. from the city of Cipolletti, in the Province of Río Negro.

Cinco Saltos

Its name is due to the amount of jumps or unevenness that the main irrigation channel has. Previously it was known as Colonia La Picaza, until by National Decree of September 25, 1932, it was given the current name.

In 1918 the Experimental Farm was installed, directed by the Spanish Agronomist Engineer Juan Barcia Trelles. His experiments transformed the fruit production of the area. Few varieties of fruit trees were chosen for a large production and easy to place on the world market.

Since 1947 there has been a pesticide plant, Indupa, which is located on the fifth hop for the use of its energy with a power plant.

The jumps can be visited, you just have to walk a few blocks from the center of the town and, on Costanera Avenue, you will find them.

Balneario Lago Pellegrini In the surroundings of Cinco Saltos we suggest you visit the Experimental Farm, the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and the Bridge to the Neuquen Centenario town. Also, in Contralmirante Cordero, we find the Ballester Engineer Dike, where the Alto Valle irrigation system is born.

Undoubtedly, another attraction is the fruit activity, you can visit packing sheds, juicers, cider houses and wineries. With only traveling 16 km. You will access the Ruca-Co Peninsula, on the southern margin of this artificial lake. Its waters, green in color, come from the Neuquén River through the diversion channel.

Here is located a tourist village with spa, camping area, restaurants and all the essential services for you to cool off in this area of ​​Patagonia. Annually, in the month of February, the Provincial Water Festival takes place.

If your passion is water sports, here you have an excellent place to practice windsurfing, skiing, motor boating, rowing and fishing.