
Sanmartiniano Institute

Address: Mariscal Castilla y Aguado (en la Plaza Grand Bourg) s/n – Palermo

The institute is devoted to keeping the life and legacy of San Martin in everyone’s mind, as he was the liberator of Argentina, Chile and Perú.
Grand Bourg square, where it stands, received its name due to the fact that San Martin lived in such French city, in a house of which this building is a replica.
The environment is the setting of the important people and events of his life, recalled by the busts around the house, like the one of his daughter, Mercedes, and his wife, Remedios de Escalada. Close to them, there is the sculpture “The Immortal Grandfather”, by Angel Ibarra Garcia, with soil from Chile and Peru in its fundamental stone, which represents an elderly San Martin, surrounded by his granddaughters. The bas-relieves show characteristic fragments of his life.